Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, June 30, 1916


June 30th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am enclosing your letter from President Wilson of which we have made copies to send to each member of the Board.

Also I am sending you the report of the conference with the delegates to the Congress After the War. This is such close work that we have decided to have the number of copies necessary for distribution mimeographed. Before we undertake this will you read this report carefully and let me know if you have additions, suggestions or corrections on the report. Mrs. Mead's notes were rather confused and I have had to formulate it all as best I could depending on my memory as I did not take regular notes. Mrs. Karsten, however, had a few and I had my copy of International to fall back on.

The list of the delegates is correct up to date. Mrs. La Follette has declined. Mrs. Taussig indicated her willingness and desire to go. Shall I add her name before sending the list out with the report?

We hope you are resting and getting stronger every day. I miss you dreadfully and have wanted to consult you about a dozen things this last week.

As always devotedly yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
Bar Harbor, Maine.
